Entries by Tom Brimeyer

Hypothyroidism Diet

Don’t expect to hear this from your doctor, but following the right hypothyroidism diet plan is by far the biggest factor in overcoming hypothyroidism. You can do everything else right and be using the best available supplements or medication, but if your diet isn’t right, then you will be forever fighting a battle that you […]

Natural Treatment for Hypothyroidism

The term “natural treatment” is quite subjective to say the least. For most, it simply means treating their hypothyroidism symptoms with natural supplements and without the use of medical drugs. But should that really be considered natural? When it comes to a natural treatment for hypothyroidism, I believe that there’s a far more “natural” means […]

Hypothyroidism Exercise

Exercising with hypothyroidism has been quite a misunderstood topic. Many people claim that exercise has huge benefits for people suffering from hypothyroidism. And some others tend to disagree. The truth is that exercise CAN have some amazing benefits BUT not all exercise is created equal. In fact, most forms of exercise will further damage your […]

Hypothyroidism Symptom Checklist

Are you unsure as to whether or not you suffer from hypothyroidism? Does your doctor tell you that your TSH levels are fine but you still believe that you’re hypothyroid? If you answered yes to either of these questions then this hypothyroidism symptom checklist can help. Problems with TSH Testing It’s well known that TSH […]

Hypothyroidism Symptoms

Hypothyroidism is most well known for its relationship to your metabolism and oftentimes weight gain or the inability to lose weight. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when you begin to look at the multitude of various hypothyroidism symptoms ranging from digestive to sensory symptoms. But also keep in mind that different people […]

Armour Thyroid Side Effects

When it comes to discussing the possible Armour Thyroid side effects, I think it’s important to first understand why they occur and what causes them. If you can do this then you’ll also understand that all Armour Thyroid side effects can be easily avoided. Unlike synthetic thyroid hormones which are manufactured in laboratories, Armour Thyroid […]

Hypothyroidism and Infertility

There’s a very clear link between hypothyroidism and infertility but it’s something that is not widely discussed for various reasons. Unfortunately, because it’s not widely discussed, infertility continues to rise and is becoming a much bigger and more expensive problem. Infertility is one of the many hypothyroidism symptoms and largely a hormonal issue that can, […]

Diet for Hypothyroidism

Finding the “right” diet for hypothyroidism can be easier said than done. There are tons of diets that all claim to improve your thyroid health, however, they lack the science to back up their claims. And this can be dangerous, especially when many of these diets recommend foods that have been shown to negatively affect […]

Signs of Thyroid Problems

There are many different signs of thyroid problems that you can take in account if you think that you might be hypothyroid. But don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you have to experience all of the various hypothyroidism symptoms because it varies widely from person to person. But there are some that tend […]

Thyroid Medication Side Effects

Anytime you use any sort of thyroid medication, it’s important to understand the possible side effects that they might cause. Oftentimes people are given the wrong kind of medication or prescribed the wrong dosage which can cause some pretty nerve wrecking thyroid medication side effects. So be sure to note any adverse reactions you might […]