Comments on: Hypothyroidism Diet Unblock Your Thyroid Hormone Pathway Wed, 12 Aug 2015 23:16:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Leisha Wed, 12 Aug 2015 23:16:26 +0000 Hi I have had hashimotos for years and have suffered many hormone deficiencies. I am currently having problems with severe hypoglycemia with attached depression. When I eat I get severely depressed and the more I eat the more depressed I get. I crave candy. I have been told I have insulin resistance. My last hgba1c was 5.2 but I was also on medifast. I lost weight but still had a large tummy and 32% body fat. I tried to order your program but was unable to thru the Internet. I currently feel that my muscles are not getting the necessary nutrients to work. When I try to pick up around the house my muscles burn. Any help you can provide would be much appreciated. How can I order your program?

By: romina base Mon, 23 Sep 2013 14:19:23 +0000 I’m 53, female and became hypothyroid after my total thyroidectomy 3 years ago. I gained 15 pounds since then. My blood sugar level is ok. I’m disciplined in what I eat but I still gained. Help

By: Tom Brimeyer Wed, 01 May 2013 13:22:02 +0000 Yes, they are high in PUFA and low in quality protein. I do not recommend them.

By: Michelle Vicaire Wed, 01 May 2013 11:34:14 +0000 This information is very helpfull.I am hypothyroidism and have low cortisol and low DHEA which I have to take extra cortisol and supplement the DHEA. .I like to eat shelled hemp hearts.They are a good source of protein.I put them in my smoothies and in salads.They help me feel full and help me not be constipated.I heard they are even better than having milk eggs animal meat.But they are a polyunsaturated fat does that mean I should not eat them?

By: Tom Brimeyer Mon, 08 Apr 2013 12:20:26 +0000 That depends on how well you understand Grave’s Disease. It’s important to monitor temperature and pulse to really understand what is going on. In general, the right diet will help to regulate thyroid function either way.

By: Mary Sat, 06 Apr 2013 22:44:19 +0000 I enjoyed what I read, but I wondered…..does it make any difference what kind of thyroid disorder you have? I have Graves Disease. Does it matter? Thanks

By: Anjali Kant Sat, 16 Feb 2013 16:46:01 +0000 The information given here is excellent.
The diet tips are great. I have experienced and tried a few of the tips–they really work

Would like more information on swallowing problems due to hypothyroidism

Best regards<
Anjali Kant

By: mary Tue, 24 Jul 2012 17:10:20 +0000 I only eat Kosher which precludes shellfish and bone broth. Any suggestions as to what can be substituted? Selenium supplement? Another source for amino acids rather than bone broth? How will these two changes impact the actual diet?

By: Terri Haney Sun, 15 Jul 2012 09:43:24 +0000 Simple and accurate!

By: Katie Thu, 24 May 2012 23:01:59 +0000 I am so grateful that you are helping people, blogging, and finally exposing the truth about health and wellness: DIET! You truly are what you eat, and people disregard and repel blame for their actions when they think that smoking a few cigarettes can’t hurt that bad, or that the toxic chemicals in household products won’t actually harm them.

I am so grateful to have this growing awareness of what I’m really putting into my body, how it functions, and how to make it whole and healthy, as opposed to broken and battered by improper diet, products, environment, etc.

Thank you so much for doing this. 🙂 You are making the world better.
